Sustainable Low-Carbon Community Development: A Study Based on a Royal Project for Highland Community Development in Thailand


Kampanad Bhaktikul Sayam Aroonsrimorakot Meena Laiphrakpam


     Global warming and climate change from human emissions can affect the development of communities including highland communities in Thailand in terms of human life, growth and yield of plants and animals. So, the Royal Project Foundation, Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization) and Mahidol University unite together to carry out the Royal Project for Community Development with aims to develop the prototype of sustainable low-carbon highland community, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while propagating sufficiency economy with the limited available resources in the region. The study is based on the Community capital framework for sustainable development using Ethnographic Delphi Future Research (EDFR) methodology, by collecting data for standardization from a panel of 15 community experts belonging to different strata, professions and organizations in Thailand. The evaluation level of the 12 Communities low carbon development project evaluation levels is estimated by comparing the development standards of four developmental dimensions as: (1) environmentally friendly agriculture; (2) forest restoration and conservation; (3) community health management; and (4) community strength to support changes in a period of 12 months. These dimensions are evaluation criteria for determining the standard of sustainable low carbon highland community development consisting of 19 items and 32 indicators. The analysis of Huai-Nam-Kuen community shows the availability of many features for low carbon community development, viz, low carbon economy, low carbon tourism resources and low carbon lifestyles which can be utilized to develop the community into a sustainable low carbon community. The study concluded that low-carbon community development is related to all dimensions of development and therefore an integral part of a society’s sustainability.

Keywords: Highland, Low Carbon, Royal Project, Sustainable Community


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Research Articles


How to Cite
BHAKTIKUL, Kampanad; AROONSRIMORAKOT, Sayam; LAIPHRAKPAM, Meena. Sustainable Low-Carbon Community Development: A Study Based on a Royal Project for Highland Community Development in Thailand. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), [S.l.], v. 14, n. 2, p. 14-28, mar. 2021. ISSN 2985-0231. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024. doi: