Brand Authenticity and Consumers’ Willingness to Recommend by Word-of-Mouth: The Mediating Effect of Brand Attachment


Lu Suo Yue Huang


          This study aimed to investigate the impact of brand authenticity dimensions (namely continuity, integrity, credibility, and symbolism) on consumers’ propensity to engage in word-of-mouth recommendations (RWOM) within the cell phone sector. Grounded in the Cognitive-Affective-Behavioral Theory and Self-congruity Theory, the study further probed the mediating role of brand attachment in the association between brand authenticity and RWOM. By employing quantitative methodologies and snowball sampling, the study garnered responses from 515 Chinese participants, aged 18 and above, who are users of China’s top six cell phone brands. The data was critically examined using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The outcomes revealed that all dimensions of brand authenticity had a notable positive correlation with both RWOM and brand attachment, with brand credibility exhibiting the most potent influence. Moreover, brand attachment was confirmed to bolster RWOM positively. Intriguingly, brand attachment emerged as a partial mediator linking brand authenticity’s dimensions with RWOM. These insights not only augment the academic discourse surrounding brand authenticity and RWOM but also furnish practical guidelines for corporations aiming to fortify authentic branding and foster consumer recommendation tendencies. Enterprises specializing in mobile phone brands should prioritize the genuineness of their branding. They should amplify the promotion of their unique brand strengths, bolstering consumers’ recognition of the brand’s authenticity. Simultaneously, it’s crucial to tap into consumers’ emotional resonance, deepening their allegiance to the brand. This strategy not only promotes a favorable brand image among consumers but also fosters positive word-of-mouth, further solidifying its esteemed reputation.

Keywords:  Brand Attachment, Brand Authenticity, Cognitive-Affective-Behavioral Theory, Recommend by Word-of-Mouth, Self-congruity Theory


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Research Articles


How to Cite
SUO, Lu; HUANG, Yue. Brand Authenticity and Consumers’ Willingness to Recommend by Word-of-Mouth: The Mediating Effect of Brand Attachment. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), [S.l.], v. 16, n. 4, p. 73-90, dec. 2023. ISSN 2985-0231. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 30 apr. 2024. doi: