Development and Validation of the Parental Involvement Scale (PIS)


Vanessa I. Santillan Roar A. Callaman Tess P. Englis


          This study presents the development and validation of an evaluation instrument aimed at assessing parents’ involvement in their children’s education, utilizing a two-phase approach. During the development stage, items were meticulously generated through literature reviews and interviews, followed by a rigorous validation process by experts who carefully recognized each item, considering both content and expression. The validation stage involved piloting the instrument with 27 respondents, resulting in high reliability. Subsequently, using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) on responses from 310 high school parents, the construct validity revealed 33 components out of 60, ultimately culminating in four distinct constructs: parental love and guidance (15 items), parent-teacher communication (8 items), participation in school activities (6 items), and parental satisfaction (4 items). The convergence of these constructs facilitates active parental involvement and enhances positive learning experiences. Further validation and confirmation of the developed parental involvement scale for flexible learning is recommended for future research.

Keywords: Parental Involvement Scale (PIS), Evaluation Tool, Exploratory Sequential Mixed-methods Approach


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Research Articles


How to Cite
SANTILLAN, Vanessa I.; CALLAMAN, Roar A.; ENGLIS, Tess P.. Development and Validation of the Parental Involvement Scale (PIS). Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), [S.l.], v. 16, n. 4, p. 45-57, dec. 2023. ISSN 2985-0231. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 30 apr. 2024. doi: