Knowledge Management in Smallholding Organic Farm for Sustainable Food Security


Oranut Naowakate Patcharin Sirasoonthorn


     This article aims to investigate existing knowledge management with specific context from three smallholding organic farms on high ground in Phitsanulok province. The theoretical framework focuses on sustainability of food security where qualitative grounded theory research methodology was adopted. The information in the past twelve years was gathered from related farm documents, depth-interview, and participatory observation. These farms have been operated by entrepreneurs who have vitalized the concepts of environmental conservation into their small and medium size business with organic agriculture. The data were analyzed using content analysis and data saturation. The study finds crucial root causes of problems including limitations from an adoption set of the generalization knowledge and mismatch to its Agro-ecosystem landscape and four key biophysical constraints: soil, water, slope, and local climates, which oppose their knowledge management for the farm characteristics. They are missing out the integration of specific site physical, social context and local agricultural culture. The farmer experiences and entrepreneurs’ technical knowledge in Agro-ecological systems that were crucial to create sustainable food security are not correspondence. Up until they elevate the farms through group shared ideas and experiences to adopt participatory guarantee system and set up a standardization of production system by recontextualizing on key biophysical in agricultural production and revive knowledge management for the best practice of specific farming conditions which becomes a key drive mechanism to possible success. 

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Smallholding Organic Farm, Food Security, Sustainability


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Research Articles


How to Cite
NAOWAKATE, Oranut; SIRASOONTHORN, Patcharin. Knowledge Management in Smallholding Organic Farm for Sustainable Food Security. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), [S.l.], v. 15, n. 4, p. 29-42, oct. 2022. ISSN 2985-0231. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 apr. 2024. doi: