Sustainability and Gender in Select Filipino Households


Darryl Roy T. Montebon Meah Gonzaga Victoria J. Delos Santos Jeffrey O. Ginez


     Cognizant of sustainable development are home practices and family members’ roles. Therefore, it is apt to study how it proceeds at home. Consequently, this study investigates the structures and household and sustainability practices in selected Filipino homes. Moreover, the present study seeks to find if gender affects the roles of family members in the conduct of sustainable practices at home. Through a parallel convergent mixed-method design, the data gathered from the survey and focused group discussions describe the household’s efforts in the research locales to observe sustainable practices in managing their homes. However, the data also showed that certain unsustainable practices exist, like solid waste management. Lastly, results reveal that women, specifically mothers, promote and practice sustainable development at home. Therefore, the study recommends strengthening the efforts to put forth sustainable measures at home and developing programs that will encourage gender equality in the said process.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, SDGs, Gender Bias, Filipino Home


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How to Cite
MONTEBON, Darryl Roy T. et al. Sustainability and Gender in Select Filipino Households. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), [S.l.], v. 15, n. 4, p. 125-140, oct. 2022. ISSN 2985-0231. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 apr. 2024. doi: