Determinants of Thai Individuals Behavioral Intention towards Online Fitness Program on YouTube during COVID-19 Pandemic


Pailin Samritpricha Rawin Vongurai


          The purpose of this research is to investigate the determinants of Thai individuals behavioral intention towards online fitness program on YouTube during COVID-19 pandemic situation. The conceptual framework is presented on how effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence, attitude, desire, personal innovativeness influence behavioral intention of Thai individuals. The samples of 500 respondents were collected from online and offline questionnaires by using multi-stage sampling technique. Stratified random sampling was used to group users in three age generation and purposive sampling and convenience sampling to reach target respondents. The study applied the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to analyze the data and confirm goodness-of-fit of the model and hypotheses. The results of goodness-of-fit indicated the model is consistent with empirical data and hypothesis testing results indicated that effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence, attitude, desire, and personal innovativeness have a significant influence on behavioral intention. The researcher also found that social influence, effort expectancy and performance expectancy showed significant impact on attitude as mediator of desire which also greatly influences behavioral intention. Behavioral intention of online fitness program on YouTube users is determined by effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence, attitude, desire, and personal innovativeness. Hence, fitness YouTube channel owners are recommended to apply these instruments to enhance behavioral innovation when using online fitness program on YouTube.

Keywords: Behavioral Intention, Online Fitness, YouTube, COVID-19, Thai Individuals


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How to Cite
SAMRITPRICHA, Pailin; VONGURAI, Rawin. Determinants of Thai Individuals Behavioral Intention towards Online Fitness Program on YouTube during COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), [S.l.], v. 15, n. 2, p. 71-84, may 2022. ISSN 2985-0231. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 apr. 2024. doi: