The Influence of Social Media and Perceived Logistics Service Quality: The Application of Expectation Confirmation Theory


Chuthin Thanasarnaksorn Sid Suntrayuthb


     The online retail business has played an important role in this era, and social media has changed the way people make purchasing decisions. However, the importance of logistics service quality is often unacknowledged in this business. This study investigates the influence of social media and logistics service quality on online purchase decisions and the effects after purchase. Data were collected and analyzed from 316 internet users throughout several universities in Thailand using a quantitative approach. To test the hypotheses, multiple regression was employed. The results show that social media significantly influences buying behavior via the TPB framework, and logistics service quality influences the satisfaction for online purchasing via ECT framework. The results of this study may help online retailers in strategic planning for both marketing and supply chain management for sustainable growth in the future.

Keywords: Expectation Confirmation Theory, Logistics Service Quality, Social Media, Theory of Planned Behavior


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Research Articles


How to Cite
THANASARNAKSORN, Chuthin; SUNTRAYUTHB, Sid. The Influence of Social Media and Perceived Logistics Service Quality: The Application of Expectation Confirmation Theory. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), [S.l.], v. 12, n. 3, p. 61-75, july 2019. ISSN 2985-0231. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 29 apr. 2024. doi: