Antecedent Factors Affecting Innovation, Radical Innovation and Incremental Innovation


Hachapan Uachotikoon Wichai Utsahajit


     This article presents a construct of the antecedent factors that enhance innovation in organizations. There are eight antecedent factors which are arranged in two main levels: individual and work environment levels. The eight antecedent factors for innovation are identified, such as employee knowledge and creativity skills, employee psychological state and attitudes, organizational structure, corporate strategy and shared vision, organizational creativity climate and culture, knowledge management and learning, management and leadership, and key individuals’ roles facilitating innovation. Further, some antecedent factors are identified as having a significantly greater impact on radical innovation such as broad knowledge base; vision; slack resources; customer-related intelligence; innovation champion. And those that have more impact on incremental innovation are in-depth functional knowledge; centralization; competition-related intelligence; and orientation toward task excellence and quality.

Keywords: Innovativeness, Innovation, Antecedent Factors, Radical Innovation, Incremental Innovation


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How to Cite
UACHOTIKOON, Hachapan; UTSAHAJIT, Wichai. Antecedent Factors Affecting Innovation, Radical Innovation and Incremental Innovation. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), [S.l.], v. 12, n. 3, p. 11-32, july 2019. ISSN 2985-0231. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 apr. 2024. doi: