Instructions for Authors

Types of Manuscript

There are 4 types of manuscripts published by the NUJST.

  1. Original Articles: Original Articles are comprehensive accounts of significant experimental of theoretical results, including clinical trials and case reports. The arrangement of full-length articles should accord with the guideline in preparation manuscript section.
  2. Review Article: Review articles provide a summary of topics of general interest to pharmacists and are limited to 6,000 words.
  3. Short Communications: Short Communications are preliminary reports limited to approximately 2,000 words including 1-2 table(s)/ figure(s) with not more than 15 references.
  4. Letters to the Editor Readers are invited to give an opinion on a scientific or technical subject within the scope of the Journal. If an article published in the Journal is criticized, the authors of the original article will be given an opportunity to reply in the same issue.

Creating User Account

Naresuan University Journal would like to invite you to submit manuscripts of your research work via our developed online submission system:  Open Journal System (OJS) . You have to create your own account if you are the first time user at .

1. There will be "Create Account" menu on the first page. You should select only-one Journal and click "Register" to add your data by following the step-by-step instructions for creating your account. If you did not understand, you can read handbook for author on the right top corner of the page.

2. You have to set a username and password for login system, we recommend using your name as your username and using phone number as your password. If you have an account but have forgotten your login details, go to Password Help on the website and enter you email address.

The system will send you an email containing instruction on how to reset your password.

Click  here  for creating User Account

Preparing Manuscript

Contributors submitting manuscripts for consideration for publication should follow the following guidelines.

  1. All manuscripts must be submitted via the Naresuan Journal Online Submission System using Open Journal System: OJS by Thai journal citation index: TCI at ( .)
  2. Manuscript files should be created by using Microsoft Word (.doc, docx files) and must be written using high-quality language. For non-native English language authors, the article should be proof-read by a language specialist. Poor use of English could result in immediate rejection of the paper.
  3. The manuscript should be no longer than 12 pages. The inclusion of more figures and tables will reduce the word allowance, and vice versa.
  4. The manuscript should be prepared in a single column, double - spaced, with sufficient margins (2.5 cm) and insert line number for editorial and proof-reader’s marks. 12 pt Eucrosia font should be used throughout and all pages numbered consecutively.
  5. The manuscript text file containing title page, abstract, keywords, contents, acknowledgments and references.
  • a. Title
    The full title is not limited in length but should grab attention and makes the reader interested.
  • b. List of Authors (This part should appear only in the title page file)

All authors should be listed here. Order of full name and last name must be listed as it should be in the final publication. The corresponding author is indicated by a superscript*. Any edit in the name of the author before gallery proof such as mistyping, change of order, add or remove name should be informed by the formal letter and signed by all the authors only before galley proof.

  • c. Affiliations
    Names and addresses of the establishments where the work was done.
  • d. Abstract
    The abstract should include the basic contents of the article. The abstract format is nonstructural type. It should be briefly present (not exceeding 600 words) in one paragraph.
  • e. Keywords
    Keywords or short phrases suitable for indexing should be provided (3-5 keywords). Each keyword is start with a capital letter and is divided by a semi-colon (;).
  • f. Article Text
    The text must be divided into main sections, such as the following: 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Conclusion and suggestions 6. Acknowledgements, 7. Reference. The results and discussion parts may be combined.


  1. Figures and Tables must be included in the text file at the appropriate context of the manuscript. Do not need to separate the figure and table files from the text file. The figures and tables should be numbered consecutively.
  2. Legends, tables, and footnotes should be typed on separate sheets. Footnotes, to be numbered consecutively in superscript throughout the text, should be used as little as possible. Figures should have a resolution of at least 200 dpi. File size must be less than 2 Mb and be named as Figure number.
  3. Line drawings should be of high resolution and high contrast. Black-and-white or color photographs may be accepted provided they are of high quality. They should also be provided as computer graphic files after the manuscript is accepted for publication and in the final form. Regardless of the application used, when the electronic artwork is finalized, the images should be saved as, or converted to, one of the following formats (Note the resolution requirements for line drawings, halftones, and line/halftone combinations given below.).


TIFF or JPG: Color or greyscale photographs (halftones): use a minimum of 360 ppi.

TIFF or JPG: Combinations bitmapped line/halftone (color or greyscale): use a minimum of 600 ppi.

  1. Acknowledgments should be as brief as possible, in a separate section before the references.
  2. References and Citations of published literature in the text should be given in the form of author and year in parentheses; (Mongnan, 2014), or if the name forms part of a sentence, it should be followed by the year in parenthesis; Mongnan (2014). All references mentioned in the Reference list must be cited in the text, and vice versa. Click here for APA citation Style
  3. The References section at the end of the manuscript should list all, only the references cited in the text in alphabetical order of the first author’s surname and no number in front of each reference. Titles of the journal or conference proceedings are not abbreviated. Click here for APA citation Style
  4. The revision manuscript should have the highlight on all point of revised parts. Authors must provide an explanation file containing the answer to reviewer comments for the revised manuscript.
  5. The references from web pages should not be included.